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One Foundation
Two Important Missions


Committed to supporting, educating, and promoting recovery for young adults affected by substance use disorder

Dedicated to helping underfunded animal shelters and those who cannot afford  to get their pet the medical help they need 

Our Goals, Visions & Commitments

We help young adults with addiction treatment


We help underfunded animal shelters and those who cannot afford a medical procedure for their pet

Ways to Give 

Memorial gifts & Donations

Jacob's Story


    In the summer of 2022, Jacob Lampe was an incredible young man just getting started on his journey of life. He attended Westfield High School, where he was a gifted athlete on the Men’s Golf team. Jake loved creating and producing new music with his friends. He enjoyed spending time with his many different pets, including his beloved dog, Penny, who he rescued. Animals were his biggest passion in life. Jake also loved traveling and went on many trips across the country with his Dad and the rest of his family. Jake lived his last few years suffering from addiction.

       On July 13th, 2022 Jake was killed. Jake had been sold a Xanax pill that he took before heading into work. What Jake didn’t know was that the pill was a counterfeit and  contained fentanyl. After taking the pill, the fentanyl quickly caused his breathing to stop and shut off oxygen to his brain. He was killed within minutes. His mom is the one who found him in his room and had to perform CPR on him while waiting on the paramedics to arrive. But, it was too late and he was pronounced dead. His parents had to watch as his body was taken out of the house. He was only 23 years old.

    Jake was the kindest soul. Whenever you were around him, you felt a sense of peace. He would put the needs of others before his own and his infectious laugh would light up the room. He touched many lives in his short time with us and is tremendously missed.

 As a way to honor Jake, we pledge to educate and promote recovery for young adults affected by substance use disorder. We also provide financial aid and sponsor those who do not have the financial resources to afford addiction treatment.

    In order to honor Jake's biggest passion in life, we pledge to provide aid to underfunded animal shelters and help those who are seeking financial assistance for a medical procedure their pet requires.

Learn More

Information and videos that raise awareness about our missions to overcome substance use disorder and give animals the life-saving help they need.

Join Our Mission 

Recovery is possible. We are dedicated to walking through the journey of recovery with these young women and men. If you would like to support our cause and make an impact in overcoming addiction, please donate today.  

Animals need our help. Many shelters do not receive government funding, we are dedicated to helping these shelters with what they need. In addition, we are committed to helping cover the cost of medical procedures for pets whose families do not have the financial means to afford them. If you would like to support our cause and make an impact in saving the lives of animals, please donate today.  

You can choose which mission you would like your donation to support. 

Holding Hands
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