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Jacob Richard Lampe Foundation


We are a two mission foundation. 


Providing free support, education and treatment for young adults affected by substance use disorder. 


Providing necessities to underfunded animals shelters and helping families who do not have the financial means to get their pet a medical procedure they need.


    Our son Jacob was a remarkable young man. The last few years of Jacob's life he struggled with addiction, and with this came anxiety and depression. During this time we did everything we could to navigate the addiction treatment system and get Jake the help he needed. After Jacob's death, we wanted to ensure other families did not have to feel the pain our family does every single day. Due mostly to lack of finances, there is a huge difference in the number of young adults who are in need of substance use treatment and those who actually receive it. In certain circumstances, our foundation will be able to cover a portion or the entire cost of rehabilitation for young adults aged 18-25. As of now, we are only working with Community Fairbanks Recovery Center in Indianapolis. If you are in need of treatment and Fairbanks is a good choice for you please reach out to us. Recovery is possible.


 Jacob's biggest passion in life was animals. Throughout his life he was the proud owner of dogs, cats, turtles, pirahannas, birds, snakes and chameleons. One of these animals being his loving dog, Penny, who he rescued. Penny was Jacob's emotional support animal as he battled addiction. We wanted our foundation to continue Jacob's passion for saving animals. In certain circumstances, our foundation will also be able to assist with the cost of a medical procedure your pet needs that you are not able to afford. Additionally, we will provide funding and necessities to underfunded animal shelters. We are currently only able to help animal shelters in Indiana. 


Our primary objective is helping those in need. We strongly believe that the majority of our money should go directly towards our missions. Our board members all forgo any sort of compensation and donate their time to help maximize our impact.

We believe in saving lives.

Our Mission

Our Missions

Committed to supporting, educating and promoting recovery for young adults affected by substance use disorder. 

     Dedicated to helping underfunded animal shelters and those who cannot afford  to get their pet the medical help they need.

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Our Vision

To see young adults excel in their journey to live healthy lifestyles free from the disease of addiction. 


To provide animals with the basic needs for a long, healthy, and safe life. 

Together, we can save lives!

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