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Things Animal Shelters Need

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Many animal shelter receive little to no support from the government. Private donations are all these shelters have. Our foundation will research animal shelters that are in the most need and provide them with these kinds of donations.

  1. Money - Many shelters work on these low budgets and really need money to give these animals the best care and supplies.

  2. Toys- Any animal loves having toys.

  3. Pet food and Treats- This is the where the largest portion of a shelters money is spent. Essential for the animals.

  4. Cleaning Supplies- To ensure the shelter and pets areas stay clean.

  5. Towels and Blankets- Blankets to keep the animals cozy and warm . Towels are good for bedding and cleaning.

  6. Newspapers- Puppies and kittens cages are often lined with these to help with accidents.

  7. Grooming Supplies- A lot of the animals who come in are dirty it is important for shelter workers to be able to keep them clean and looking good.

  8. Collar and leashes- Dogs need to be walked often to stay happy and healthy.

  9. Crates and Carriers- Important for the transporting of animals.

  10. Flea and Tick Treatment - Many of these animals that arrive in shelters have fleas and ticks so this is an important first step for any animal in a shelter to keep them healthy.


Diamond. “GUEST COLUMN: 15 THINGS YOUR RESCUE SHELTER NEEDS.” Diamond Pet Foods, Accessed 11 Nov. 2022.


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